Transient Thermal Conduction Example using Ansys
Introduction This tutorial was created using ANSYS 7.0 to solve a simple transient conduction problem. Special thanks to Jesse Arnold for the analytical solution shown at the end of the tutorial. The example is constrained as shown in the following figure. Thermal conductivity (k) of the material is 5 W/m*K and the block is assumed to be infinitely long. Also, the density of the material is 920 kg/m^3 and the specific heat capacity (c) is 2.040 kJ/kg*K. It is beneficial if the Thermal-Conduction tutorial is completed first to compare with this solution. Preprocessing: Defining the Problem Give example a Title Utility Menu > File > Change Title... /Title,Transient Thermal Conduction Open preprocessor menu ANSYS Main Menu > Preprocessor /PREP7 Create geometry Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By 2 Corners X=0, Y=0, Width=1, Height=1 BLC4,0,0,1,1 Define the Type of Element Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete... > c...
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