GAMBIT - Free Tutorial,CFD Concepts
I am not much familiar with CFD but I would like to know more about it. There are many software's available in this segment. But Gambit and Fluent have taken a considerable market share. Gambit is a mesh generator, and Fluent a flow solver. You first use Gambit to make a discretization of flow domain, and then Fluent to solve the flow in it.
GAMBIT is a software package designed to help analysts and designers build and mesh models for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and other scientific applications. GAMBIT receives user input by means of its graphical user interface (GUI). The GAMBIT GUI makes the basic steps of building, meshing, and assigning zone types to a model simple and intuitive, yet it is versatile enough to accommodate a wide range of modeling applications.
GAMBIT is Fluent’s geometry and mesh generation software. GAMBIT's single interface for geometry creation and meshing brings together most of Fluent's preprocessing technologies in one environment. Advanced tools for journaling let you edit and conveniently replay model building sessions for parametric studies. GAMBIT's combination of CAD interoperability, geometry cleanup, decomposition and meshing tools results in one of the easiest, fastest, and most straightforward preprocessing paths from CAD to quality CFD meshes.GAMBIT's range of CAD readers allow you to bring in any geometry, error free, into its meshing environment. GAMBIT also has an excellent boundary layer mesher for growing optimum grid cells off wall surfaces in your geometries for fluid flow simulation purposes. If you are enthusiastic to learn this software,here you go...
The GAMBIT documentation suite consists of the following guides.
User's Guide
Instructions on how to start and run GAMBIT, including a detailed description of the GAMBIT graphical user interface (GUI)
Modeling Guide
Basic GAMBIT modeling geometry types. Detailed descriptions of GAMBIT geometry, mesh, zones, and tools commands and operations
Tutorial Guide
Tutorial examples that illustrate the use and basic operation of GAMBIT
Command Reference Guide
A compendium of GAMBIT keyboard commands and options
This Tutor was user friendly, documented in HTML format provided by Fluent Inc., For better understanding snapshots are provided side by side for each of the command which makes learner to understand things in best way possible. So how many going to learn GAMBIT.
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